pairwise 0.6.1-0 (2023-04-17)
- added the function pairwise.SepRel() to compute the Person Separation Reliability
pairwise 0.6.0-0 (2022-08-25)
- added the data.frame with the Knox Cube Test Data from Wright & Stone (1979)
- added the option of MINCHI estimation for item parameters
pairwise 0.5.0-2 (2021-01-06)
- fixed error message during re-building of vignette outputs
pairwise 0.5.0-1 (2020-12-02)
- added S3 method 'residuals' for objects of class 'pers' resulting from function pers()
pairwise 0.5.0-0
- added estimation of thresholds for Rater severity / repeated measurement in function pair()
pairwise 0.4.5-1 (2020-06-05)
- fixed the 'S4 exports' issue
pairwise 0.4.5-0
- added a summary method for objects of class 'q3' resulting from function q3() for Yens (1984) Q3 fit statistic
- fixed a bug in the calculation of the max and min values in the Q3 statistic (thanks to Moritz Heene! for the hint)
pairwise 0.4.4-6
- fixed the '‘class(.) == *'’ issue
- changed pairwise specific object class for results from functions and to 'pifit' and 'ppfit' respectively
- changed pairwise specific object class for results from function pairwise.S() 'pairS'
pairwise 0.4.4-5.3
- fixed a minor bug in (deprecated) internal function 'pvx.super'
pairwise 0.4.4-5.2
- added citation information
pairwise 0.4.4-5.1 (2019-01-31)
- changed internal datapreperation tasks to keep the order of person (estimates) for output.
pairwise 0.4.4-4
- extended the main function 'pair()' to use case weights for item parameter calculation.
pairwise 0.4.4-3
- changed internal datapreperation tasks (rownames for persons).
- changed: pairwise will globaly change 'options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)' when applying 'pair()' or 'pers()'
pairwise 0.4.4-2
- fixed (changed) summary funtion for objects of class ''.
- extended function Q() with two arguments to compute the Q person-fit-index based on response data and threshold parameters.
pairwise 0.4.4-1
- cleaned up in function Q() to compute the Q person-fit-index proposed by Tarnai and Rost (1990).
pairwise 0.4.3-1
- added function Q() to compute the Q person-fit-index proposed by Tarnai and Rost (1990).
pairwise 0.4.2-1
- added function q3() to compute Yen's Q3 fit statistic.
- changed structure of result object of function rfa().
- fixed a bug in function ptbis().
pairwise 0.4.2
- enhanced plotting method for object of class "pers".
- added function pairwise.S() to perform the Fischer-Scheiblechner statistic 'S'; a 'Wald like test' on item level.
pairwise 0.4.1 (2017-02-24)
- added function deltapar() to compute delta or rather item step parameters from thurstonian threshold parameters.
- added argument p in function logLik.pers().
pairwise 0.4.0
- fixed minor bug in function pers() relating to passing throug arguments from "pair" object under special data situations.
- fixed minor bug in function andersen.pers() concerning reading arguments from "pers" object.
pairwise 0.3.2
- further enhancements.
- fixed a minor bug in function gif().
- fixed a minor bug in plotting methods for item parameters.
pairwise 0.3.0
- added wighted Likelihood in result object of function pers().
- added summary function for
- added summary function for
- added function simra().
- added function andersentest.pers().
- added covariate data to the bfiN and bfiN_miss data sets.
- added logical option itemNames = 'TRUE / FALSE' in ploting method for objects of class "pers".
- changed structure of result in pairSE() and changed depending functions.
- added the function lrtest.pers() to perform a likelihood ratio test against the saturated model for object of class "pers"
- changed internal calculations for powers of the pairwise comparison matrix.
- make use of transpose logical in S3 method for rfa - plot.rfa().
- extended options of argument pot in func. pair().
- fixed a bug in S3 method logLik.pers when calculating the degrees of freedom.
pairwise 0.2.5 (2014-05-29)
- added the S3 method logLik.pers to extract the Log-Likelihood for object of class "pers"
- added the function rfa() and its plotting and summary S3 method to perfom rasch residual factor analysis proposed by Wright (1996) and further discussed by Linacre (1998).
- added the function iff() to plot or return values for Item Information Function.
- added the function tff() to plot or return values for Test Information Function.
- added two example dataset (kft5 and Neoffi) used in Rost (2004).
- added an optional argument in function pers() for calculation of the WLE reliability.
- changed spliting argument in function grm() and changed S3 methods plot and summary for objects of class "grm"
- fixed a minor bug in S3 method plot.grm when defining axis annotation
- fixed a error messages which occured under extreme sparse data situations using function pers()
pairwise 0.2.4 (2014-04-14)
- fixed a mismatch when calcualting item and person fit statistic under booklet design circumstances
- fixed some error messages which occur under extreme sparse data situations in some internal functions.
- added WLE Reliability in object of class "pers".
- changed summary method for object of class "pers".
- added plotting method for object of class "pers" and documentation. This plots a person item map.
pairwise 0.2.2 (2014-04-07)
- added main function pair() for item parameter calculation for dicho- or polytomuous data . Data with unequal number of categories for items can be processed.
- added main function pers() for person parameter (WLE) calculation for dicho- or polytomuous data. Data with unequal number of categories for items can be processed.
- added function ptbis() for calculation of point biserial correlations for dicho- or polytomous item categories with total scale.
- added person - - and item - - fit indices.
- added function for tabulation of response data - ftab().
- added function for expected score curves plots - esc().
- added function for category probability plots - catprob().
- added function for graphical item fit by empirical category probability plots - gif().
- added another (small) example dataset sim200x3, containing simulated Data with one dichotomous and two polytoumous items with 200 observations.
- added a (large) example data structure DEU_PISA2012 - for a detailed description of the data structure see the section User guides, package vignettes and other documentation.
- changed the plotting methods for "pair"", "grm" and "pairSE" and added documentation for them.
- removed deprecated functions (from version 0.1.5):
itempar.dicho(), itempar.poly(), grmSE.dicho(), grmSE.poly(), ipSE.dicho(), ipSE.poly(), ppML.dicho(), ppWL.dicho(), thetaML.dicho(), thetaWL.dicho, ptbis.dicho().
Those functions are therefore only available in older version of pairwise in the CRAN archive.
pairwise 0.1.5 (2013-11-18)
- added function for Point Biserial Correlations ptbis.dicho() (dicotoumous items)
- added function for handling booklet designs make.incidenz()
- added functions for person parameter estimation (ML & WL) and summary method (dicotoumous items)
- added summary method for graphical model-check dichotomuos (object of class "grmSE")
- added summary method for graphical model-check polytomuos (object of class "grmSEpo")
pairwise 0.1.4 (2013-07-11)
- added the argument zerocor in the functions for parameter calculations - see descriptions of functions
- changed some matrix calculations to enhance processing speed (due to a tip from Alexander Robitzsch)