confreq 1.6.1-1 (2022-11-13)
- improvements in dat2cov() -- (working with ordered factors)
- introduced weights in dat2cov()
confreq 1.6.1-0
- improvements in dat2fre()
- estimate weighted observed frequencies using family=quasipoisson() -- which is automaticaly detected
- added coef method for object of class 'CFA'
confreq 1.6.0-3 (2022-08-23)
- fixed 'Type' indicator when using 'holm' procedure for local testing for summary.CFA() and plot.CFA()
confreq 1.6.0-2
- again changed internal if conditions
confreq 1.6.0-1
- introduced survey (case) weights in function dat2fre(), which are in turn also supported in functions CFA(), summary.CFA() and plot.CFA().
confreq 1.5.6-7 (2022-04-12)
- changed internal if conditions due to issue 'if() conditions comparing class() to string' for R version 4.2.0 beta (2022-04-11 r82149 ucrt)
confreq 1.5.6-6
- fixed a bug in dat2cov() -- thanks to Christian Grebe
confreq 1.5.6-4 (2021-07-23)
- added arguments 'sorton', 'decreasing', 'showall' and 'adjalpha' in summary.S2CFA() -- adapted from summary.CFA()
- introduced the S3 method plot for (result) objects of class c("S2CFA", "list")
confreq 1.5.6-2
- added check for presence of 'ex.bin.test' results in plot.CFA
- streamlined internal coloring function within plot.CFA
confreq 1.5.6-1
- added check for presence of 'ex.bin.test' results in summary.CFA
confreq 1.5.6 (2021-06-20)
- introduced the argument 'adjalpha' (with options "bonferroni" (default), "none", and "holm" so far ...) in function summary.CFA() which replaces the deprecated argument 'holm' for controlling alpha adjustment (the argument 'holm' is kept in this version for downward compatibility).
- introduced the function fre2tab()
- introduced the S3 method plot for (result) objects of class c("CFA", "list")
confreq 1.5.5-3
- streamlined functions fre2dat(), dat2fre() and internal function pos_cfg_cfa()
confreq 1.5.5-2 (2020-10-16)
- fixed an issue in CFA() which rarely occurs for R versions >= 4.0.x when variables for configurations are not represented as factors but as characters in objects of class c("data.frame", "Pfreq")
confreq 1.5.5-1 (2020-06-05)
- fixed the 'S4 exports' issue
confreq 1.5.5-0 (2020-03-09)
- introduced ordering of "Holm.crit" in function / method summary.CFA()
confreq 1.5.4-7 (2020-02-07)
- fixed a bug in S3method assignment
confreq 1.5.4-6 (2020-02-02)
- fixed the '‘class(.) == *'’ issue
confreq 1.5.4-5
- added a hint in the package description to prevent trouble during installation of 'confreq' for Linux users
- added citation information
confreq 1.5.4-4
- introduced argument 'ex.bin.test=TRUE' in function CFA()
confreq 1.5.4-3 (2019-01-22)
- introduced sequential alpha correction according to Bonferroni-Holm in summary function summary.CFA()
- fixed internal issue regarding the argument 'form' when defining a designmatrix
confreq 1.5.3
- fixed some minor internal issues regarding the argument 'form' in main function 'CFA()' to maintain downward compatibility with earlier versions of confreq.
confreq 1.5.0
- added the arguments 'blank' and 'cova' to extend the function CFA() introducing covariate analysis.
- added function 'dat2cov'.
- extended the argument 'blank' as a convenient option to perform functional CFA.
confreq 1.4.1
- fixed some typing errors in descriptions for functions.
confreq 1.4 (2015-12-18)
- added import of functions from default packages, as required by the new CRAN-check.
- added the argument 'showall' in summary function for objects of class c("CFA","list").
- changed the numerical precision in calculation of the binomial test to avoid '-Inf' of 'Inf' results Under some data conditions.
- added the function expected_margin_cfa() for calculating expected counts based on margins with sparse tables.
- added the arguments 'method' and 'blank' to extend the function CFA() when using functional CFA with sparse tables.
confreq 1.3-1 (2015-05-01)
- added the Type index (b) for functional CFA in the summary method for object returned by function CFA().
- added a sorting option in summary method for object returned by function CFA().
- added information on function call in result of function CFA() and summary method.
- changed the internal function 'binomial_test_cfa' to avoid NaN 'values' for the (exact) binomial test under some sparse data situations.
confreq 1.3 (2014-11-06)
- added Information Theoretic Criteria (AIC, BIC) to the output of the main function CFA.
- extended the argument 'form' in main function CFA.
- added another data example (Lienert1978) used in the textbook by Mark Stemmler.
- added the function 'S2CFA' for two-sample-CFA and the respective summary S3 method for the result objects of class 'S2CFA'.
- due to numerical challenges in function 'S2CFA' when calculating factorials with big numbers, the package 'confreq' now has a depends on the package 'gmp'.
confreq 1.2
- added another data example (newborns) taken from the textbook by Mark Stemmler.
- added the Likelihood Ratio Chi-square statistic.
- added a summary S3 method for the result objects of class 'CFA'.
confreq 1.1 (2014-04-07)
- fixed a bug in function dat2fre() .